Meet Juan Rivera - Iron Bean Nation "Conversation Starter"

Meet Juan Rivera - Iron Bean Nation

Who is Juan Rivera?

by Dylan The Viking Poet


IBCC's very own Dylan the Viking Poet Interviews Juan Manual Rivera

Dylan: Today I am interviewing Juan so the Nation can get to know this member a little better.  Juan, can you start by telling us a little bit about yourself please?

Juan: Sure. My name is Juan Rivera, I was born in Puerto Rico and raised in New York. After living in several states, I finally settled in Florida back in '97.  I love humor and laughter.

Dylan: Do you have a significant other, kids, pets? ...common Juan, we need details, but keep it clean!

Juan: I have an amazing girlfriend, a 20 year old son who studies at the University of South Florida, and a “big-boned” cat named Ginginuplia Constantina but we call her Gingi.

Dylan: Let's talk about coffee. Do you drink coffee?

Juan: Absolutely. I’ve been drinking coffee for a very long time. I enjoy a variety of coffees, medium roasts being my favorite.

Dylan: Do you prefer black coffee?

Juan: No. I’m more of a quad shot, almond milk, extra foam, extra whip, caramel drizzle type of guy.

Dylan: Ok, so your weird!...not the first...not the last.  So how did you learn about Iron Bean Coffee Company?

Juan: I heard about IBCC on the Facebook group Duke’s Mug Life...  I saw posts of people who claimed it was the best coffee they ever had. Being a coffee snob, how could I not try it.

Dylan: ...and what did you think?

Juan:  They were absolutely right, however I found out IBCC is much more than great coffee. It’s also a place that doesn’t just say you are like family but they make you feel like family.

Dylan: Which roasts are your favorites?

Juan: Hands down Loki, Cast Iron, and Fierce.

Dylan: You had the opportunity to be interviewed by myself, Nori, or Bean. Why did you choose me to interview you?

Juan: Because your a Viking and a poet, and you remind me of my Gemini personality.

Dylan: Do you collect mugs?

Juan:  Yes, I primarily collect IBCC mugs but I also enjoy mugs from small batch artisan potters.

Dylan:  Do you have a favorite IBCC mug?

Juan: That’s a hard question to answer. I usually find myself saying “that’s one of my favorite mugs” to any mug that comes up in a conversation!

Dylan: Like you mentioned, the Nation is like a family. Have you made friends within the Nation?

Juan:  Absolutely! The friendships made are what make IBCC so special. I chat with Nation friends in a daily basis.

Dylan: Well Juan, it has been fun getting to know more of you. You have the last words.

Juan: Thank you Dylan for the interview and I look forward to all the fun things yet to come within the Nation.

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