The last two months have been a whirlwind, as everyone who has lost someone knows. And I have been at a loss... Have been lost really.
My former career brought us from Upstate NY to Toledo Ohio in 2008..which spread our family out. So the last two months we've been back and forth between the two. Poor Sierra (I number ONE employee, and our son Brandon's future bride) has been stuck handling several days all by herself for a lotta days in the last two months. And she's been back and forth too!
Lets not forget ZACH!!!! Zach has been the glue that held it all together when we all left, and he's been helping us here and there for a long ass time!!!
So many of all of you have shown tremendous support to our family, through donations to Malcolm's memory, being understanding about our being closed on Saturdays, and a few slow days of shipping.
The Iron Bean Nation can't be thanked enough.
I would love to say things are getting back to normal, but that would be a huge mistake. Normal is an ever evolving word... We are adjusting though!
We have missed the mark on a few things.
We missed 4th of July Mugs. Few things move me more than our character Dylan rocking a revolutionary war uniform and repping America on a mug!!!
We ran out of Fierce K Kups... I completely lost track of our inventory. We keep the Kup batches small, to make sure you get the freshest kups we can. But that requires me to pay attention and I fucked that up. They'll be back in about 10 days. Fresh Batch of Fierce is being sent to the KUP peeps today (when your reading this).
Salted Caramel Mocha Bags went out of Stock, I missed this too. New bags will be here by Tuesday. So if you've been receiving some wierd looking hand packed bags...thats why.